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Data. Analysis. Transparency. Impact.

Eyes on Brazil

Brazil is the most biologically diverse country in the world and Member Party to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and to the Nagoya Protocol. Since June 2000, the country implemented the Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) legislation to achieve the goals established by the CBD, reshaping the policy during 2015 in an attempt to address the past regulatory framework's deficiencies.

It has been over 22 years

Has the new law delivered what was promised? Have users of Genetic Heritage (GH),  tangible and digital sequence information - DSI, been made aware of these compliance procedures and requirements? Do providers of Associated Traditional Knowledge (ATK) benefiting from this policy? Is the conservation of biological diversity ultimately happening?

Where are the Results?

For a highly complex law designed with fines ranging from 1 Thousand to 10 Million Brazilian Reais per infraction, many users are in a position of legal uncertainty and risk.

Complying with the legislation is a harsh task, as the number of requirements can be intimidating. Pressing for policy improvements are hindered by a lack of publicly availabe assessment with factual evidence.

Casting Light on the Matter

In this unique Masterclass you will be presented to official Brazilian data compiled into indicators, from first ABS policy in 2000 to the entirety current policy from 2015 to August 2022. Here you will find the information you need to evaluate its implementation and to manage risks on the access to GH, ATK and Benefit-Sharing obligations.

If you are a user of the Brazilian biodiversity or a stakeholder interested on the impact of CBD and Nagoya Protocol ABS Policy - this Masterclass is for you.

Indicators for Monitoring

ABS is central to the CBD. Data and indicators should provide relevant information on the status and implementation of each member country's ABS System for global assessment and monitoring.

Brazil implemented SisGen, the National ABS (online) Management System. The course is based on compliance data, mainly from SisGen, for you to monitor the regulatory ABS operation.

Indicators and Analysis

Some examples of the indicators and analyzes you will find in this Masterclass.

  • ABS policy operating cost-benefit balance since 2000

  • Policy operational cost and the Ministry of the Environment's GH Department installed capacity

  • Monetary BS values, number of paying users, origin of activities with GH/ATK and number of projects benefited

  • Non-Monetary BS values, number of users-union and users-providers projects and benefit generated

  • Number of validated academic and business institutions and registered users

  • Amount of access registration to GH/ATK by number, legal purpose, origin (tangible and by intangible-DSI) and biological group

  • Number of samples and GH shipment to Top 10 oversea destinations

  • Number of notifications by GH/ATK product type and by BS option

  • Number of regularization records submitted and Terms of Commitment signed

  • Number of verified registrations, authorizations and prior consents granted

What to Expect from the Course

  • Aggregated facts & figures of the Brazilian ABS compliance not yet available to stakeholders until now

  • The most comprehensive and unique set of key policy performance indicators compiled from official raw data

  • An analysis of the facts and figures, providing a panoramic view of the current policy's impact and future trends

  • Over 5 years of ABS data mining and more than 50 formal requests of information to the Brazilian Government

Meet your Instructor

Senior Instructor

Diana Jungmann MSc. PhD.

Specialist in biodiversity, bioeconomy and intellectual property. Holds a PhD in Molecular Biology (UK), a Master's in Biophysics (Brazil) and Executive Educations by the Business Schools of Harvard, Wharton (USA) and IMD (Switzerland).

In the biodiversity field Diana was a member of the industrial sector team, liaising with the Federal Government on the new Brazilian ABS Law and its Regulatory Decree. She was leader and co-author of the first Bioeconomy Agenda for Brazil promoted by the National Confederation of Industry, bringing the subject into strategic focus.

She has been involved in high-level public policy projects and discussions with leaders of industry, R&D and the government. In 2020 she launched 14Bisness Academy, offering consultancy and online courses on ABS policy.

Who is this Course for?

From scientist to international organization, through this Masterclass any stakeholder looking for tangible and transparent results can reach data not presented before to change risk assessment and policy making strategies from reactive to active.

  • National and International Associations seeking policy advocacy

  • Users and Providers of genetic resources and traditional knowledge who want to understand the law's costs and benefits

  • Investors and businesses required to comply with the ESG agenda

  • Researchers and Managers from R&D, biological collections and museums who need to comply with complex regulations

  • Policy Makers that need data to evaluate the ABS legislation

  • Consultants providing support to clients who access biodiversity

What is in the Course

  • 1

    Module 1 - Data on Brazilian ABS

    • 01. Welcome and Masterclass Dynamics

    • 02. General Context

    • 03. Activities with GH and ATK Registration Data in SisGen

    • 04. Transfer of Brazilian GH Abroad

    • 05. Authorizations and Prior Consents

    • 06. Verification of Registrations and Notifications

    • 07. Terms of Commitment for Regularization of Access to GH and ATK

    • 08. Pre-Sale Notifications of Reproductive Material and Finished Product

    • 09. Monetary and Non-Monetary Benefit-Sharing

    • 10. Management and Related Expenses ABS Policy in Force

    • 11. Indicators of the PM nº 2.186/2001 First ABS Policy in Brazil

  • 2

    Module 2 - Analysis of Brazilian ABS Data

    • 12. Connecting the Dots

    • 13. Evaluation 1st. Brazilian ABS Policy

    • 14. Evaluation 2nd. Brazilian ABS Policy

    • 15. Hypothetical Business Compliance Scenarios

    • 16. Non-Compliance Risk Analysis for GH and ATK Users

    • 17. Brazil, Nagoya Protocol and the Compliance Temporal Scope

    • 18. Final Remarks Brazilian ABS Regulation

    • Supporting Material for Download

    • Survey


All your main questions answered

  • When does the Masterclass start and for how long?

    Once enrolled, the masterclass starts at whichever time you want. The entirety of the content is made available on the platform. It is delivered by short and easy to grasp videos, divided in two parts.

  • How does the Masterclass work?

    When you sign up you will receive access information through the email used during purchase. From then on, you can watch and review the videos and download support materials wherever and whenever you want. Upon completion of the Masterclass, you will receive your certificate by email. This is one of the benefits of the online and on demand course. You're the one who's in control.

  • What payment options are available?

    We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and PayPal. If you need to pay by bank transfer, please: [email protected]

  • For how long can I access the Masterclass?

    You have access to the Masterclass for a period of six consecutive months. You study when and where you want within that time frame.

  • Can I buy a single license for multiple users in my institution?

    We have priced our Masterclass for personal use. Purchases are made per individual and certificates are named after the license holder.

  • Do you offer group discounts?

    Yes! If you wish to purchase more than 3 seats, we offer a special pricing. For more information please reach out at: [email protected]


This Masterclass is not sponsored digital product. It was produced and edited by 14Bisness. It aims to offer a contribution to organizations and professionals from the private and public sectors interested in the analysis of official compliance data related to the Brazilian Regulatory Framework for Access to Genetic Heritage (GH), Associated Traditional Knowledge (ATK) and the Benefit-sharing obligations. Information to deepen the content is included as support material for download. The facts and figures presented in this work were obtained from available public sources, publications, consultations, and through responses obtained from the Federal Government under the Brazilian Law on Access to Information No. 12,527/2011. Due to the dynamic process of compliance and continuous updates of the legislation, this Masterclass data and analysis are limited to the period mentioned in each slide. The videos and the support materials should not be taken as 14Bisness offering any legal advice to Masterclass registrant or his/her organization. In the light of its own interest and consideration, decision-making, operationalization, advocacy work and compliance effects related to the Brazilian ABS law, the Masterclass registrant, its organization, and legal representatives are entirely responsibility for their own actions and consequences. It is expressly agreed that in any case or in any circumstances may the 14Bisness nor its instructor be held jointly liable with the Masterclass registrant and/or his/her organization and legal representatives for their acts related to this legislation. This Masterclass is protected by copyright and such rights must be complied with by the users of our products. Any reproduction, sale or distribution of this material, in any format, without the express authorization of 14Bisness, constitutes a violation of Brazilian Copyright Law 9,610/1998. Your right of use is directly associated with the terms and number of licenses purchased for the number of users who will have access to the Masterclass content.